EPO extends Intent-to-Grant Notice to Onxeo for AsiDNA Patent

European Patent Office grants Intent-to-Grant notice to biotechnology company specializing in the development of innovative drugs in oncology, in particular against rare or resistant cancers, Onxeo for its new patent covering AsiDNA, DNA break repair inhibitor candidate in all countries of the EU. AsiDNA uses small “broken” double-strand DNA molecules to trigger a false DNA damage signal that hides the signal emitted by true DNA lesions on tumor cells, whether induced by spontaneous mutations in genetically unstable cancer cells or by anti-cancer treatments. The repair enzymes are distracted by this false DNA damage signal and are no longer recruited at the true damage sites. Tumor cells will thus die from continuing to divide with damaged DNA.

In a bid to bolster the Company’s Intellectual property portfolio by protecting several conjugated nucleic acid molecules including AsiDNA as well as the pharmaceutical compositions and their therapeutic uses, especially for treating cancer, standalone and in combination with a DNA-damaging antitumoral agent such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy or other tumors DNA damage-inducing agents.

Judith Greciet, Chief Executive Officer of Onxeo said “This patent covering the composition of matter provides the strongest protection possible in the field of Intellectual Property and is a key component of the value of AsiDNA™. This enlarged patent protection is key in a year when the company accelerates clinical development of AsiDNA to reach the next meaningful value inflexion points in the coming months.”

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