Vertex Pharmaceuticals include Maxor as Distribution Provider for Orkambi and Kalydeco

Maxor National Pharmacy Services announced that Vertex Pharmaceuticals has now included Maxor Specialty in its specialty pharmacy network with immediate effects. Patients may now utilize Maxor Specialty for Orkambi and Kalydeco used in the treatment of certain types of Cystic Fibrosis (“CF”).

Maxor CEO, Mike Ellis said that they are extremely proud and excited to begin providing Orkambi and Kalydeco to their Cystic Fibrosis patients. As a leader in the Cystic Fibrosis community, their focus has always been on providing complete and comprehensive care to their patients. CF patients often take more than 8 different medications a day, and access to the Vertex products now allows their pharmacists to help CF patients obtain and manage all of their prescribed medications through their specialty pharmacy.

Maxor Specialty is a national leader in providing pharmacy services to physicians and their patients with rare and complex diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis, and serves patients with rare diseases in all 50 states. Providing specialty, respiratory, and infusion therapy services since 1986, Maxor Specialty addresses all aspects of specialty and infusion pharmacy care with a personalized high-touch approach to clinical management.

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